About Us

[email protected]
180 Walker Street SW Ste A
Atlanta, GA US

We hope you enjoy this Deal of the Day website. We designed it for our loyal customers who want to be "in" on our little secret sales--every day!  Normally, we take one item and discount it up to 90% so that we keep you coming back for more...and to tell your friends of your newly discovered secret.  Most items featured on the Deal of the Day are the only one.   As such, once it is sold---there is no more--No Mas!  We will feature other deals that we have numerous quantities and want to move them quickly.  Other product offerings will be unlimited.   The last category is for our customers who want a great deal and are willing to wait for it.  It is a wholesale scenario where we show you a product from an artisan in Mexico--tell you a story about them and their handicraft.  You agree to buy it once it is made and are willing to put a deposit down in order to get at least 50% savings.  A minimum quantity will be set so that the deal can be "on".  This is much like a Groupon offer if you are familiar.  You are able to facebook or twitter the offer to as many friends as you think will be interested in buying the item so the deal is "on".  This is how a store buys products...in quantity...in advance.  You are now a buyer! 

We hope that you enjoy our Daily Deal as we are the first that we know of in Atlanta to make this offering as a Merchant.  We hope that it will be a fun experience in giving you, our loyal customers, even more reasons to visit No Mas!  Please let us know how we can improve as we embark on this new offering.

Happy Shopping! 

Thanks for shopping with us!